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Article summary:

1. This recipe for cinnamon sugar candied cashews is an easy and inexpensive way to make the fancy store-bought kind at home.

2. The secret to getting the cinnamon sugar coating to stick is using an egg white, which binds and solidifies the coating onto the nuts while baking.

3. These candied cashews are salty-and-sweet with just the right amount of cinnamon, and can be made with other types of nuts like almonds, pecans, or peanuts. They last up to 1 month in an airtight container at room temperature.

Article analysis:

The article "Cinnamon Sugar Candied Cashews" by Averie Cooks provides a recipe for making homemade candied cashews that are salty-and-sweet with a cinnamon flavor. The author claims that this is the best and easiest recipe for homemade candied nuts, and that it only takes 30 minutes to make. The article includes a list of ingredients, instructions on how to make the candied cashews, and tips for making them.

The article does not appear to have any significant biases or one-sided reporting. However, it is promotional in nature as it is promoting the author's recipe and website. The article also lacks exploration of potential counterarguments or risks associated with consuming large amounts of candied nuts.

The author claims that using an egg white in the recipe helps bind the sugars and spices to the cashews, but there is no evidence provided to support this claim. Additionally, while the article notes that the recipe can be made with other types of nuts, it does not provide specific instructions for adjusting baking times based on nut type.

Overall, while the article provides a useful recipe for making homemade candied cashews, readers should approach it with caution as it may be biased towards promoting the author's website and lacks thorough exploration of potential risks or counterarguments.