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Source: cdzj.chengdu.gov.cn
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Article summary:

1. Chengdu Housing Provident Fund Payment and Deposit Management Measures have been revised to allow for "two-way differentiated" ratio deposit means, reduce the application threshold for housing provident fund reduction and deferred payment for difficult units, and allow commission and contracting units to negotiate the deposit base.

2. Chengdu Housing Provident Fund Extraction Management Measures have been adjusted to fully implement monthly withdrawal of provident fund for housing purchases and renting houses, implement loan repayment, restrict multi-suite extraction, support installation of elevators in existing houses, and simplify processing materials for death extraction business.

3. Chengdu Housing Provident Fund Personal Housing Loan Management Measures have implemented "refined" double-linked loans that calculate the provident fund loan amount based on each deposit's amount and time of deposit.

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