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Article summary:

1. Signature Bank in New York has become the third US bank to fail in a week, after being shut down by regulators on Sunday.

2. The bank had previously closed President Trump's accounts two years ago and called for his resignation after the January 6th riots.

3. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has stated that there will be no federal government bailouts for failed banks, and claimed that the economy is in "good shape."

Article analysis:

The article reports on the recent collapse of Signature Bank, which had previously closed President Trump's accounts after the January 6th insurrection. However, the article appears to have a biased tone against the bank and its decision to sever ties with Trump.

The article mentions that Signature Bank was shut down by US regulators, but it fails to provide any context or explanation for why this happened. It also fails to mention that bank failures are not uncommon and can happen for a variety of reasons unrelated to political decisions.

Furthermore, the article suggests that SVB bank failed due to its focus on "woke policies," without providing any evidence or explanation for this claim. This unsupported assertion appears to be an attempt to discredit the bank's values and distract from the actual reasons for its failure.

The article also includes quotes from both Trump and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, but it does not provide any counterarguments or alternative perspectives. This one-sided reporting further reinforces the bias against Signature Bank and its decision to sever ties with Trump.

Overall, the article appears to have a clear bias against Signature Bank and its decision regarding Trump. It presents unsupported claims and fails to provide important context and alternative perspectives. As such, readers should approach this article with caution and seek out additional sources for a more balanced understanding of these events.