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Article summary:

1. Mutual fund flow is negatively related to market volatility, with inflow inducing lower volatility and outflow inducing higher volatility.

2. Mutual fund investors time market volatility by moving money into or out of equity funds in response to a decrease or increase in market volatility.

3. The relation between intraday market volatility and daily flow is asymmetric, with inflow having a weaker impact on intraday volatility and outflow having a stronger impact from morning to afternoon.

Article analysis:




此外,在研究中使用了Trim Tabs Investment Research提供的数据集。然而,这个数据集是否具有代表性并未得到充分讨论。同时,由于数据集仅覆盖1998年至2003年期间,因此无法反映更广泛时间范围内共同基金流量与市场波动性之间的关系。

最后,在文章中提出了一些主张但缺乏充分证据支持。例如,在结论部分指出“inflow is associated with lower volatility, and outflow is associated with higher volatility on the next day”,但并未提供足够的数据和分析来支持这一主张。
