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Article summary:

1. Sodium-ion batteries are a promising energy storage technique due to the ample reserve of sodium resources in nature and cost-efficiency, and solid-state electrolytes can enable the utilization of metal anode with high theoretical capacity and high voltage cathode materials to further elevate the energy density of batteries.

2. The large interfacial resistance between the electrolyte and electrodes and the low ionic conductivity of solid-state electrolyte are major bottlenecks for the industrialization of NASICON-type solid-state sodium batteries, and dendrite formation is a significant challenge that needs to be addressed.

3. The rational introduction of ferroelectric phase BaTiO3 (BTO) can suppress Na dendrite neculation in NZSP-based all solid-state sodium metal battery, improve the densification degree of NZSP ceramic electrolyte, homogenize Na+ migration at Na/NZSP interface, toughen the ceramic matrix via piezoelectric and ferroelectric effect, relieve stress induced by Na deposition, and achieve conformal and dense metallic Na morphology with high reversibility.

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