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Article summary:

1. 人工智能是最具颠覆性的新数字技术,正在迅速发展,并引发了新一轮的贸易谈判。

2. 贸易规则对人工智能的创新、吸收和治理有影响,但现有的贸易规则已经存在重大缺陷,需要更新,以协助有效的人工智能治理。

3. 新的数字贸易规则包括对源代码和算法的严格知识产权保护,以及坚定承诺实现数据跨境自由流动。然而,在解决与人工智能相关的跨境风险和危害方面取得的进展要小得多。

Article analysis:

As an AI language model, I cannot provide a critical analysis of the article as it requires subjective interpretation and evaluation. However, I can provide some general observations on potential biases and limitations in the article.

Firstly, the author seems to focus primarily on the benefits of AI in international trade policy, such as promoting innovation and productivity. While these are important aspects, there is little discussion of potential risks and challenges associated with AI, such as job displacement, privacy concerns, and algorithmic bias.

Secondly, the article appears to have a bias towards large tech companies as primary innovators and owners of AI technology. This may overlook smaller players or public institutions that also contribute to AI development and governance.

Thirdly, while the article acknowledges the need for updated trade rules to address AI-related issues, it does not provide concrete evidence or examples of how existing rules are inadequate or how proposed changes would effectively address emerging challenges.

Overall, the article provides a broad overview of AI's impact on international trade policy but lacks depth in exploring potential risks and limitations. It also appears to have a bias towards certain actors and perspectives.