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Article summary:

1. David Warner will miss the final two Tests in India due to concussion and a fractured elbow.

2. Australia have been hit with several injuries, including Josh Hazlewood and Pat Cummins, but Cameron Green has recovered from a finger injury and Mitchell Starc may be available after a finger problem.

3. Mitchell Swepson is due to return to India after flying home after the first Test for the birth of his first child.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides accurate information about David Warner's injury and the other players' injuries that are affecting Australia's team in India. The article also provides evidence for its claims by citing Cricket Australia's statement that Warner will return to India for the one-day internationals starting on 17 March. However, there are some potential biases in the article as it does not provide any counterarguments or explore any possible risks associated with Warner's injury or other players' injuries. Additionally, the article does not present both sides of the story equally as it focuses mainly on Australia's team rather than India's team. Furthermore, there is no mention of any promotional content in the article which could be seen as a potential bias if included. In conclusion, while this article is generally reliable and trustworthy, there are some potential biases that should be taken into consideration when reading it.