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Article summary:

1. Dupilumab, a human monoclonal antibody that blocks the shared receptor component for IL-4/IL-13, has been shown to be effective in reducing annualized severe exacerbation rates and improving lung function in patients with uncontrolled, moderate-to-severe, or oral corticosteroid-dependent severe asthma.

2. In this post hoc assessment of dupilumab efficacy versus placebo in patients stratified by allergic status, it was found that dupilumab significantly reduced AER and improved lung function, asthma control, and health-related quality of life in both patients with allergic asthma and those without evidence of allergic asthma.

3. Dupilumab also reduced most type 2 biomarkers and specific IgE levels and significantly reduced OCS use in VENTURE.

Article analysis:


然而,该文章存在一些偏见和缺失。首先,该研究是由Sanofi Genzyme和Regeneron Pharmaceuticals资助的,这可能会影响其结果的客观性。其次,该文章没有探讨Dupilumab可能带来的风险或副作用。此外,该文章没有平等地呈现双方,只强调了Dupilumab的优点而忽略了其他治疗方法的优点。

