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Article summary:

1. Impact basins are important geological structures on the Moon that reveal its history, but identification criteria vary widely.

2. A set of basin identification standards and a global lunar basin catalog with 81 basins have been established based on remote sensing data and previous studies.

3. Basin sub-formations have been divided and interpreted using Focal Flow data, improving the accuracy of the distribution map of lunar basin formations and facilitating further study of lunar exploration sites.

Article analysis:




此外,文章中提到使用Focal Flow数据来解释子形态,并提高地图分辨率。然而,作者并未说明Focal Flow数据如何被获取和处理,并且未提供任何相关参考文献或链接。这使得读者难以评估该方法是否可靠和有效。

最后,在讨论中提出了一些假设和推测,但缺乏足够的证据支持。例如,在讨论中提到了Mare Moscoviense中发现的三个撞击环,但并未提供任何证据来支持这一假设。这可能会导致读者对文章的可信度产生怀疑。
