1. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) can be extended to include Privacy Risk Theory, which breaks privacy risks into two parts: Privacy Risk Likelihood and Privacy Risk Harm.
2. Hobby beekeepers have little risk of harm in sharing their data with a small group or non-profit organization, but may perceive elevated risk harm when sharing information with the government.
3. Sharing detailed information within a small group can lead to specific knowledge and solutions for common problems, as well as increased efficiency, effectiveness, and profit for queen breeders and beekeepers alike.
The article "Data Sharing Risks and Rewards" by Joseph Cazier, Walter Haefeker, and Edgar Hassler discusses the risks and benefits of sharing beekeeping data. The authors use Privacy Risk Theory to explain the risks involved in sharing data and how it can influence a beekeeper's decision to use information systems to track their bee data. They also discuss various types of data sharing, from keeping one's own records to full data sharing with a non-profit or other trusted third party.
One potential bias in the article is that it focuses primarily on hobbyist beekeepers rather than commercial beekeepers. While the authors acknowledge this bias and state that they will address commercial beekeepers in a future article, it still limits the scope of their analysis.
Another potential bias is that the article presents only one side of the argument for sharing data. While it acknowledges some of the risks involved in sharing information with the government, it does not explore any potential benefits or counterarguments for doing so.
The article also contains some unsupported claims, such as when it states that "good records help us learn valuable information about bees and beekeeping." While this may be true, there is no evidence presented to support this claim.
Additionally, there are some missing points of consideration in the article. For example, while it discusses the potential reputational risk for hobbyist beekeepers who share detailed information with a small group or club, it does not consider the potential reputational risk for commercial beekeepers who may face greater scrutiny from competitors or regulators.
Overall, while the article provides some useful insights into the risks and benefits of sharing beekeeping data, its limited scope and lack of exploration of counterarguments and potential biases make it less than fully convincing.