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Article summary:

1. There has been scholarly debate around the role of formulas in the formation of early Buddhist suttas and their development.

2. The “play of formulas” theory suggests that full suttas are primarily legitimate combinations of such formulas.

3. There is evidence for the early use of SN/SA-like formulas in the EBTs, with the Buddha reciting a SN-like formula to himself on paṭiccasamuppāda which a monk overheard and was instructed to memorize/recite.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of recent scholarly debate surrounding the role of formulas in early Buddhist suttas and their development, as well as evidence for the early use of SN/SA-like formulas in the EBTs. The article is written from a neutral perspective, providing both sides of the argument without bias or partiality. It cites relevant sources and provides evidence for its claims, making it a reliable source of information on this topic. However, it does not explore any potential counterarguments or risks associated with this theory, nor does it provide any further evidence or analysis beyond what is already presented in Shulman's work and Anālayo's response. Additionally, there is no discussion about how this theory might be applied to other areas outside of Buddhism or how it could be used to inform modern practice. As such, while this article provides an informative overview on this topic, further research would be necessary to fully understand its implications and applications.