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Article summary:

1. Consumer demand for organic food has risen dramatically in the past five years due to concerns about food safety and ethical issues.

2. Multiple grocery chains dominate the organic food market with an estimated 70% market share, but there is also a growing number of small independent organic food retailers.

3. The growth of the organic food market has become self-sustaining, with retail players offering a wide range of products including meat and fish, fruit and vegetables, chilled and frozen foods, dairy and bakery produce, baby foods, and alcoholic drinks.

Article analysis:

The article "Retailing Organic Foods" provides a comprehensive overview of the organic food market, including its characteristics, development, and retail players. However, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration that need to be addressed.

One-sided reporting is evident in the article's discussion of the arguments for and against organic foods. While it presents several claims in favor of organic foods, such as environmental benefits and improved animal welfare, it fails to provide counterarguments or evidence to support these claims. For example, while proponents suggest that organic farming reduces pollution of watercourses, there is evidence that organic farming can also contribute to water pollution through nutrient leaching from manure and compost application.

The article also lacks discussion on the potential risks associated with organic foods. While it briefly mentions concerns about traditional organic farming's ability to achieve similar production levels as modern agriculture, it does not address other risks such as foodborne illness outbreaks linked to organic produce or the potential for higher levels of certain contaminants in organic foods.

Promotional content is evident in the article's focus on major grocery chains' engagement with the organic food market. While it briefly mentions small specialist retailers, it primarily focuses on Sainsbury's and Tesco's extensive range of organic products. This emphasis may be due to these companies' willingness to provide information for the case study rather than reflecting a broader representation of the retail marketplace.

Additionally, there is a lack of exploration into pricing issues related to organic foods. The article briefly mentions pricing concerns but does not delve into how pricing affects consumer behavior or how retailers determine their prices for organic products.

Overall, while "Retailing Organic Foods" provides valuable insights into the growth and development of the organic food market and its retail players, there are potential biases and missing points of consideration that limit its comprehensiveness.