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Article summary:

1. A couple diagnosed with lamellar ichthyosis had two pregnancy losses due to a heterozygous c.607C>T mutation in the TGM1 gene.

2. Two different adenine base editors (ABEs) combined with related truncated single guide RNA (sgRNA) were used to repair the pathogenic mutation in mutant zygotes.

3. Whole-genome sequencing and deep sequencing analysis demonstrated precise DNA editing, suggesting the possibility of correcting genetic mutations in embryos with the ABE system.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides evidence for its claims through whole-genome sequencing and deep sequencing analysis that demonstrate precise DNA editing. The article also provides detailed information on the methods used to repair the pathogenic mutation in mutant zygotes, which adds to its credibility. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article does not explore any possible risks associated with using ABEs to correct genetic mutations in embryos, nor does it present both sides of this issue equally or explore any counterarguments that may exist. Additionally, there is no discussion of how this research could be applied in a clinical setting or what implications it may have for future treatments of lamellar ichthyosis or other diseases caused by genetic mutations. Finally, while the article is well-written and informative, it does contain some promotional content that could be seen as biased towards advocating for further research into using ABEs to correct genetic mutations in embryos.