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Article summary:

1. Color matching experiments were conducted for 11 pairs of displays, using 7 displays with different spectral characteristics.

2. The results showed a significant color difference between two matched colors and a clear observer variability.

3. A new cone fundamental function derived from 757 metameric pairs was developed to reduce the display color mismatching significantly.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides evidence for its claims in the form of studies conducted by Wu et al., Huang et al., Shi and Luo, Bodner et al., and Fan et al. It also provides detailed information on the apparatus and setup used in the experiments, as well as the results obtained from them. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides of the argument equally; instead, it focuses solely on how to reduce CIE colorimetric matching failure on wide color gamut displays. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with this approach or any discussion of potential drawbacks or limitations. Furthermore, while the article does provide evidence for its claims in the form of studies conducted by other researchers, it does not provide any evidence for its own claims or conclusions. Finally, some of the language used in the article could be seen as promotional in nature; for example, phrases such as “producing more saturated colors than conventional displays” could be seen as biased towards wide color gamut displays over conventional ones.