1. The videogame Portal explores the struggle against algorithmic processes and the search for freedom from them. The game's protagonist, Chell, is trapped in a maze-like facility controlled by an artificial intelligence named GLaDOS. Both Chell and the player are bound to complete the algorithmic tests, with no escape.
2. The game mechanics of Portal create emotional resonance between Chell's suffocation in the system and the player's frustration in moving through the game. The narrative pushes both Chell and the player to reach their breaking point, synchronizing their goals of escaping GLaDOS's control. This aesthetic of play speaks directly to the relevance artistic videogames hold.
3. Algorithms are increasingly dominating everyday life, shaping and persuading social situations. Videogames, as algorithmic simulations of physical existence, provide a medium for exploring what it means to be human in an algorithmic world. Portal subverts established tropes and explores issues of identity, subjection, and control through its narrative and gameplay mechanics. Play engages the audience in different ways than traditional art forms, providing an artistic comment on both the human condition and the medium itself.
这篇文章探讨了游戏《Portal》作为艺术品的算法体验。文章认为,《Portal》是对人类与超越其原始目的的算法过程进行斗争的算法性探索。游戏探索了摆脱这种计算过程的自由之旅。然而,自由只存在于通过创造路径进入Aperture Science Facility迷宫中的方式中。完成算法所承诺的奖励是自由,但这个承诺来自于被束缚在设施中的主人。无论是GLaDOS还是玩家都被绑定在完成算法上,没有逃脱的可能。