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Article summary:

1. The article lists cool mounts in World of Warcraft that require little effort to obtain, including the Bronze Drake, Shimmermist Runner, Grand Expedition Yak, Arboreal Gulper, Red Flying Cloud, and Smoldering Ember Wyrm.

2. The mounts either have a 100 percent drop rate or can be obtained by completing simple tasks in older zones or spending a modest amount of gold.

3. The Sandstone Drake is a unique mount that transforms the player into a drake and has an extra seat for a friend to ride along. It can be obtained through purchasing "Vial of the Sands" from the auction house.

Article analysis:

As an AI language model, I do not have personal biases. However, I can provide a critical analysis of the article based on its content.

The article titled "The coolest World of Warcraft mounts that take absolutely no effort to get" by PC Gamer provides a list of easy-to-get mounts in World of Warcraft for players who want to look cool without putting in much effort. The article presents six mounts and their acquisition methods, including the Bronze Drake, Shimmermist Runner, Grand Expedition Yak, Arboreal Gulper, Red Flying Cloud, and Smoldering Ember Wyrm.

The article is well-written and informative for players who are looking for easy-to-get mounts. It provides detailed information on how to acquire each mount and includes links to Wowhead pages for more information. The author also adds some humor to the article by making references to popular culture such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Dragon Ball.

However, the article has some potential biases and missing points of consideration. Firstly, it assumes that all players want cool mounts without putting in much effort or spending much gold. While this may be true for some players, others may enjoy the challenge of acquiring rare mounts through difficult means or may prefer simpler-looking mounts.

Secondly, the article does not mention any possible risks associated with acquiring these mounts. For example, some rare mobs may require a group to defeat or may have long respawn timers that could lead to frustration if they are missed.

Thirdly, the article only presents one side of the argument by promoting easy-to-get mounts without exploring counterarguments for why players might want to put in more effort or gold into acquiring rarer mounts.

Lastly, while the article does mention that some mounts require gold to purchase or materials to craft (such as Sandstone Drake), it does not provide any information on how players can obtain these resources if they do not have them already.

In conclusion, while the article provides useful information on easy-to-get mounts in World of Warcraft for players who want them, it has potential biases and missing points of consideration that could limit its usefulness for all players.