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Article summary:

1. 5′HS4 insulator element acts as a barrier to chromosomal silencing and recruits histone modifications to protect genes from their surrounding environment.

2. Footprint IV within the 5′HS4 element is necessary for the recruitment of histone modifications and barrier activity, and USF proteins bind to this site.

3. Knockdown of USF1 expression leads to a loss of histone modification recruitment and subsequent encroachment of H3K9 methylation, indicating that barrier activity requires the constitutive recruitment of H3K4 methylation and histone acetylation at multiple residues.

Article analysis:





最后,在描述实验结果时,该文章没有提供足够的数据支持其结论。例如,在图1C和D中显示了IL2R转基因序列富集甲基化组蛋白H3K4二甲基化和乙酰化组蛋白H3 K9/K14二甲基化情况。然而,该图并未提供足够数量的样本来证明这些结果是否具有统计学意义。
