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Article summary:

1. Browser extensions are small pieces of software that can add features to a browser client, but they are also attractive targets for attackers.

2. To use extensions safely, users should research the developer, read the description and reviews, be picky about which extensions to install, only install through trusted sources, review permissions closely, and use antivirus protection.

3. Users can see which extensions are already installed by accessing the Extensions or Add-ons menu in their browser settings.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Browser Extensions: How to Vet and Install Safely" provides useful information on how to safely use browser extensions. It highlights the potential risks associated with using extensions and offers practical tips for vetting and installing them securely.

One potential bias in the article is that it assumes all extensions are risky, which may not be entirely accurate. While it's true that some extensions can be malicious, many others are legitimate and provide valuable features to users. The article could have provided more context on this issue to avoid painting all extensions with the same brush.

The article also seems to focus primarily on Google Chrome as the browser of choice, with only brief mentions of Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. This could be seen as biased towards Chrome users or neglectful of users of other browsers.

The article does a good job of providing practical tips for vetting and installing extensions safely. However, it could have gone further in exploring counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the issue. For example, it doesn't address the fact that some users may prefer to take more risks with their browsing habits in exchange for greater convenience or functionality.

Overall, the article provides useful information for users looking to use browser extensions safely. However, readers should keep in mind its potential biases and limitations when considering its advice.