1. 本文认为,粉丝文化是未来教育的课堂,因为它可以帮助学生思考、写作、深入讨论和批判性地评价霸权文化。同时,粉丝学者有责任在课堂内外与学生和其他粉丝互动交流,以培养更多批判性的粉丝特质。
2. 粉丝学者需要在多个场合表达自己的热情,并将更多的粉丝声音融入到课堂中。他们应该与“fan-scholars”(既是粉丝又是学者)合作,以培养未来的批判性粉丝。这种重视不同类型的粉丝体验和尊重他们工作的态度可以对抗新自由主义教育和企业主导的粉丝文化。
3. 教育者需要倾听粉丝文化,并促进批判性的参与方式。这并不意味着要教授哪些作品好或不好,而是要教授建设性的个人和社区参与方式。通过鼓励有建设性、尊重他人观点、鼓励公民话语等特质,我们可以在课堂上展示更多批判性的粉丝文化,同时在粉丝社区中使用更多学术研究来强化这种文化。
The article argues that fandom can be the classroom of the future, and that fan-scholars have a responsibility to teach critical fandom to future generations. The author believes that our educational system can benefit from more fandom enthusiasm, and that new generations of fans will become future teachers, thinkers, and responsible media citizens. However, the article suffers from several biases and lacks evidence to support its claims.
Firstly, the article assumes that neoliberalism is encroaching on fandom and education without providing any evidence to support this claim. The author argues that neoliberalism promotes individualism over community and polices particular ways of expressing fannish enthusiasm. However, there is no evidence presented to show how neoliberalism is affecting fandom or education in this way.
Secondly, the article presents a one-sided view of fandom as a positive force for critical engagement without acknowledging any potential risks or negative aspects. While it is true that many fans engage in thoughtful discussions and analysis of media texts, there are also instances where fan communities can be toxic or exclusionary towards certain groups.
Thirdly, the article lacks consideration for the diversity within fan communities and assumes that all fans share similar values and goals. The author suggests teaching students critical fandom without defining what this means or acknowledging that different fans may have different ideas about what constitutes critical engagement.
Overall, while the article raises some interesting points about the potential benefits of incorporating fandom into education, it suffers from biases and lacks evidence to support its claims. A more balanced approach would acknowledge both the positive and negative aspects of fandom and consider the diverse perspectives within fan communities.