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Article summary:

1. Parenting is a widely discussed topic with implications for child development and social stratification. However, the class thesis of parenting developed in Western societies may not hold universally, as seen in China where a reshuffled class structure and cultural environments may affect parenting beliefs and practices.

2. The author proposes a theoretical model based on parental valuation of children to explore how parental values directly impact their childrearing beliefs and behaviors. Empirical data from the China Family Panel Studies (2014) confirm that parental values matter for their parenting behaviors, with family socioeconomic resources associated with parents' resource investment and parents' valuation of children associated with their direct involvement to support children's development.

3. The study documents the emergence of a modern childhood figuring the "emotionally priceless and educationally valuable child" in contemporary China, which manifests paradoxical processes of value transformation and family changes revolving around intergenerational bond and intimacy.

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