1. The rapid expansion of higher education systems has led to unintended consequences such as graduate unemployment and underemployment, as well as social mobility stagnation.
2. The relationship between parental background and adult literacy and numeracy skills contributes to educational inequality and skills inequality.
3. The global economic crisis has had a significant impact on the youth, with declining job opportunities, stagnant graduate incomes, and unaffordable housing.
The article titled "Higher education governance in crisis: a critical reflection on the massification of higher education, graduate employment and social mobility" provides an analysis of the negative consequences of the massification of higher education. While the article raises some valid points, it also exhibits potential biases and lacks certain evidence to support its claims.
One potential bias in the article is its focus on the negative aspects of massification without adequately considering any potential benefits. The author argues that the rapid expansion of higher education has led to graduate unemployment and underemployment, as well as social mobility stagnation. While these are important issues to address, it would have been more balanced to also discuss any positive effects that may have resulted from increased access to higher education.
Additionally, the article relies heavily on references from other studies and reports without providing much original analysis or evidence. This makes it difficult to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the claims being made. The author cites various international and comparative studies, but does not provide specific details or data from these sources to support their arguments.
Furthermore, there are several missing points of consideration in the article. For example, it does not explore how changes in technology and automation may be impacting graduate employment rates. It also does not address potential solutions or policy recommendations for addressing the issues raised.
The article also lacks a discussion of counterarguments or alternative perspectives. It presents a one-sided view that portrays massification as solely negative without acknowledging any potential benefits or counterarguments that may exist.
There is also a lack of exploration into potential risks associated with limiting access to higher education. While the article highlights some negative consequences of massification, it does not consider how restricting access could lead to inequality and limited opportunities for disadvantaged groups.
Overall, while the article raises important issues regarding higher education governance and its impact on employment and social mobility, it exhibits biases by focusing solely on negative aspects without considering potential benefits or alternative perspectives. It also lacks specific evidence and analysis to support its claims, making it difficult to fully evaluate the validity of the arguments presented.