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Article summary:

1. Endorsing a candidate is an important step, but it requires real work and commitment behind it to help the candidate win.

2. After endorsing a candidate, groups should plan tactics, recruit volunteers, build momentum with press releases and kick-off parties, and engage in voter contact through canvassing and phone banking.

3. Getting out the vote is crucial in the final weeks leading up to the election, with a focus on targeting supporters of the endorsed candidate and ensuring they have a plan to vote.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive guide on post-endorsement planning for local groups who have endorsed a candidate. It covers various aspects such as building a path to victory, connecting with the campaign or using Indivisible tools for voter contact, voter contact best practices, and getting out the vote. While the article offers valuable information and tips for local groups to effectively support their endorsed candidate, there are some potential biases and shortcomings that need to be addressed.

One potential bias in the article is its heavy emphasis on supporting endorsed candidates without considering alternative viewpoints or strategies. The article assumes that endorsing a candidate is the best course of action for local groups and focuses solely on how to support that candidate effectively. This one-sided reporting may not account for situations where endorsing a candidate may not be in the best interest of the group or community.

Additionally, the article lacks discussion on potential risks or challenges that local groups may face when endorsing a candidate. It does not address issues such as backlash from members who may not agree with the endorsement, conflicts with other organizations or individuals who support different candidates, or legal implications of political spending. By not acknowledging these risks, the article presents a somewhat idealized view of the endorsement process without considering potential drawbacks.

Furthermore, while the article provides general guidelines and suggestions for post-endorsement planning, it lacks specific examples or case studies to illustrate how these strategies have been successfully implemented in real-world scenarios. Without concrete evidence or success stories, it is difficult for local groups to assess the effectiveness of the proposed tactics and make informed decisions about their own endorsement campaigns.

Overall, while the article offers valuable insights into post-endorsement planning for local groups, it could benefit from addressing potential biases, providing more balanced reporting by considering alternative viewpoints, discussing risks and challenges associated with endorsements, and offering concrete examples to support its recommendations. By addressing these shortcomings, the article can provide a more comprehensive and informative guide for local groups navigating the endorsement process.