1. Studies of riverscape public perception are often undertaken with ground level photographs.
2. Different paradigms exist for these investigations, including expert, psychophysical, cognitive, and experiential approaches.
3. Photo-questionnaires can be a useful method for environmental management, promoting the elaboration of models and exploring the prediction of attitudes towards components of riverscapes.
The article "Les enquêtes de perception paysagère à l’aide de photographies : choix méthodologiques et exemples en milieu fluvial" provides a comprehensive overview of the different paradigms used in studies of public perception of riverscapes. The authors present their methodological choices and provide examples from three surveys conducted in France to illustrate the strengths and limitations of these approaches.
The article is well-structured, with clear headings and subheadings that make it easy to follow. The authors provide a thorough review of the literature on perception studies, which helps contextualize their own work. They also explain their methodological choices in detail, including the number and selection of photographs, the use of Likert and Visual Analogic Scales, and data analysis techniques.
However, there are some potential biases in this article that should be noted. Firstly, all three surveys were conducted in France, which limits the generalizability of the findings to other contexts. Secondly, the authors do not discuss any potential risks or negative consequences associated with conducting perception surveys using photographs. For example, participants may have difficulty interpreting two-dimensional images as representative of three-dimensional landscapes.
Additionally, while the authors acknowledge that their surveys were conducted within specific paradigms (psychophysical and cognitive), they do not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on these approaches. This could lead readers to assume that these paradigms are universally accepted as valid ways to study public perception.
Overall, "Les enquêtes de perception paysagère à l’aide de photographies : choix méthodologiques et exemples en milieu fluvial" provides a useful overview of how to conduct perception surveys using photographs. However, readers should be aware of potential biases and limitations associated with this approach.