1. The study investigates the translation of transitions in political TED talks from English to Persian, using Hyland's framework to classify metadiscourse elements into interactive and interactional categories.
2. The translation process can be described as either literal or underspecification, which includes deletion, extension, and delimitation. Strong transitions are often translated literally, while weak transitions may be translated literally or undergo underspecification processes.
3. The findings have implications for corpus-centered translation studies and comparative linguistics, and can be used in future research on gender studies, contrastive analysis, and corpus-based translation studies.
The article titled "Translation of Transitions in TED Political Discourse: A Parallel Corpus-based Study of Metadiscourse Features Underspecification between English and Persian Languages" presents a comparative study on the use of metadiscourse features in English and Persian languages. The study aims to investigate the translation process of transitions, which are important metadiscourse elements used to facilitate communication between different parts of discourse.
The article provides a detailed description of the methodology used in the study, including the selection of TED talks based on political genre, loading them into Sketch Engine Corpus Software, and adopting Hyland's framework for classifying metadiscourse elements. The results show that there are two general strategies for translating these elements: literal translation and underspecification, which consists of deletion, extension, and delimitation.
However, the article has some potential biases and limitations. Firstly, it only focuses on political genre TED talks in English and their Farsi translations. Therefore, it may not be representative of other genres or languages. Secondly, the sample size is relatively small (ten TED talks), which may limit the generalizability of the findings. Thirdly, while the study identifies two general strategies for translating transitions, it does not provide a clear explanation for why certain strategies are chosen over others.
Moreover, the article lacks exploration of counterarguments or alternative explanations for its findings. It also does not discuss possible risks associated with using underspecification as a translation strategy or how this may affect audience understanding.
Overall, while the article provides valuable insights into the translation process of metadiscourse features in English and Persian languages, it would benefit from addressing its potential biases and limitations more explicitly and exploring alternative explanations for its findings.