1. This qualitative study explores how U.S. higher education/student affairs (HESA) master's graduate preparation programs and curriculum socialize graduates for full-time HESA work abroad post-graduation.
2. The formal curriculum in these programs is often U.S.-centric, while the informal curriculum offers more direct international-related learning opportunities such as study abroad and assistantships.
3. The hidden curriculum, which includes limited application of U.S.-based theories and support for job searching, also plays a significant role in the socialization of HESA graduates for international work.
The article titled "BEYOND U.S. BORDERS: A CURRICULAR EXPLORATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND STUDENT AFFAIRS INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION" explores how U.S. higher education/student affairs (HESA) master's graduate preparation programs and curriculum socialize graduates for full-time HESA work abroad post-graduation. The study uses a qualitative approach to gather data from student affairs professionals who have worked outside of the United States after completing their HESA master's program.
The article begins by highlighting the increasing importance of internationalization in higher education institutions in the U.S. and the limited attention given to the internationalization of student affairs preparation and practice. It argues that student affairs educators play a vital role in internationalizing colleges and universities, particularly in supporting international students and promoting global awareness among domestic students.
The literature review section provides an overview of relevant research on graduate student socialization, emphasizing the importance of sensemaking and anticipatory socialization in preparing future professionals. It also discusses the limited existing research on the internationalization of HESA graduate preparation programs, noting that these programs tend to be U.S.-centric in their curriculum and delivery.
The conceptual framework section introduces Leask's perspective on curriculum, which includes formal, informal, and hidden elements. The authors argue that these elements contribute to the socialization of HESA graduate students for work abroad. They also reference Hirschy et al.'s early career student affairs socialization model to frame their study within a broader understanding of professional socialization.
In terms of methodology, the study uses a qualitative interpretative design with elements of phenomenology. Participants were recruited through purposive sampling, and data was collected through semi-structured interviews conducted via Skype. Ten participants who had graduated from U.S. HESA master's programs and worked outside of the U.S. were included in the study.
Overall, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the research topic and presents a clear research question. It also incorporates relevant literature to support its arguments and uses an appropriate methodology to gather data from participants. However, there are several potential biases and limitations in the article that should be considered.
Firstly, the sample size of ten participants is relatively small, which may limit the generalizability of the findings. Additionally, the participants were recruited through snowball sampling, which could introduce bias as they may have shared similar experiences or perspectives.
Furthermore, while the article acknowledges the U.S.-centric nature of HESA graduate programs, it does not explore potential reasons for this bias or discuss possible solutions for internationalizing these programs. The focus on socialization through curriculum also neglects other important factors that contribute to professional preparation, such as mentorship and networking opportunities.
The article also lacks a