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Article summary:

1. Soil salinization and cultivated land soil degradation are major challenges to global agricultural production and food security, exacerbated by the rapid growth of the global population and severe soil salinization and degradation.

2. Various measures have been proposed for improving soil fertility and saline-alkali land, including conservation tillage, organic fertilizers, biochar, microbial amendments, and crop straw.

3. Bibliometric visualization using software such as CiteSpace can reveal the development trends, hot spots, and frontiers of current scientific research in this field, with China being the country with the most publications on this topic. Collaborative exchanges between nations are important drivers of scientific research in this area.

Article analysis:


1. 偏重于技术手段而忽略了社会经济因素:文章主要关注于技术手段,如生物炭、微生物修复等,但忽略了社会经济因素对盐碱地改良和土壤肥力提高的影响。例如,农民的种植方式、政府的政策支持等都可能对这些问题产生重大影响。

2. 缺乏对负面效应的考虑:文章没有探讨这些技术手段可能带来的负面效应,如生物炭可能导致土壤酸化、微生物修复可能引入外来物种等。

3. 存在偏见:文章强调中国在相关领域发表论文数量最多,但没有探讨其他国家或地区在该领域中所做出的贡献。此外,文章未涉及到一些争议性话题,如转基因作物是否可以用于盐碱地改良等。

4. 缺乏证据支持:文章提到了一些技术手段可以用于盐碱地改良和土壤肥力提高,但未提供足够的证据支持这些主张。

5. 宣传内容:文章过分宣传某些技术手段,在不充分考虑其局限性和风险的情况下推广其使用。
