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Article summary:

1. Self-perceptions of aging (SPA) have effects on social well-being among older adults: The study found that negative SPA at baseline was associated with greater loneliness and social disconnectedness in older Americans. Older adults with negative SPA were more likely to experience loneliness, which then led to social disconnectedness.

2. Social disconnectedness and loneliness are prevalent among older adults: Both objective social disconnectedness (lack of social contact and involvement) and subjective loneliness (subjective experience of a shortfall in social relationships) are common among older adults in the United States. Depending on the definition used, 24%–40% of community-living older Americans are socially disconnected, and 43% of adults aged 60+ reported feeling lonely.

3. Sociodemographic characteristics and health factors are risk factors for social isolation: Previous studies have identified sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, marital status, socioeconomic status), self-rated health, functional health, depression, and cognitive function as risk factors for both social disconnectedness and loneliness among older adults. However, few studies have examined the role of SPA in social isolation.

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