1. This special issue focuses on the intersection of marginality and social media, bringing together 13 manuscripts and two practitioner responses.
2. Marginality refers to the experience of disadvantaged individuals or groups who are excluded from resources and opportunities needed for full participation in society.
3. The articles in this special issue explore how marginalized people navigate social media spaces, provide theoretical and practical insights, and aim to amplify opportunity and mitigate risk for marginalized individuals.
The article titled "Introduction: Marginality and Social Media" provides an overview of a special issue that explores the intersection of marginality and social media. While the article introduces important concepts and highlights the significance of studying marginalization in communication, there are several potential biases and limitations to consider.
One potential bias is the lack of critical engagement with the topic. The authors acknowledge that most empirically-oriented scholars working on social media are not in conversation with critical work, which is by design. This suggests a bias towards empirical research and a reluctance to make critical claims. While empirical research has its merits, it is important to recognize that critical perspectives can provide valuable insights into power dynamics, structural inequalities, and systemic issues related to marginalization.
Another potential bias is the editors' positionality as white, cisgender, able-bodied individuals from prestigious research universities. While they acknowledge their privilege and take steps to address biases in the selection process, it is important to recognize that their perspectives may still be limited by their own experiences and privileges. This could potentially influence the selection of manuscripts and the framing of the special issue.
Additionally, there are some unsupported claims in the article. For example, the authors state that marginalized individuals often have fewer resources and greater needs on social media, but they do not provide evidence or data to support this claim. It would be beneficial to include specific examples or studies that demonstrate how marginalized individuals face greater challenges on social media platforms.
Furthermore, there are missing points of consideration in the article. While it acknowledges issues of racism and identity-based exclusion as salient within communication and society more broadly, it does not delve into these topics in depth or explore how they intersect with marginality on social media. Given the current socio-political climate, it would be valuable to address these issues more explicitly.
The article also lacks exploration of counterarguments or alternative perspectives. It primarily focuses on empirical scholarship addressing marginality without engaging with critical perspectives or potential critiques of the empirical approach. This one-sided reporting limits the depth and breadth of the discussion.
Moreover, there is a promotional tone in the article, particularly when discussing the contributions of the special issue. While it is understandable that the authors want to highlight the importance of their work, this promotional content could potentially overshadow critical analysis and balanced reporting.
In terms of risks, the article briefly mentions risks and opportunities of engaging in (semi) public communication online but does not delve into specific risks faced by marginalized individuals on social media platforms. It would be beneficial to explore these risks in more detail and discuss potential strategies for mitigating them.
Overall, while the article provides an introduction to the special issue on marginality and social media, it has several biases and limitations that should be taken into consideration. Critical engagement with the topic, inclusion of diverse perspectives, provision of evidence for claims made, exploration of counterarguments, and a more comprehensive discussion of risks would enhance the overall analysis.