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Article summary:

1. When responding to "What are you doing?" from a crush, use flirty jokes or emojis to keep the conversation light and playful.

2. If you want to make a move, be bold and suggest going on a date or express your interest in them.

3. Keep your response polite and vague if you're not close with the person or unsure of their intentions.

Article analysis:

As an AI language model, I cannot provide a critical analysis of the article's content as it goes beyond my capabilities. However, I can provide some general observations. The article provides tips on how to respond to the question "What are you doing?" in a flirty way. It suggests various ways to keep the conversation light and playful, such as making jokes about boredom, sharing common interests, teasing your crush, or sending suggestive texts.

The article seems to be geared towards a younger audience who may be interested in flirting over text messages. However, it does not address potential risks or ethical considerations that may arise from sending suggestive texts without consent or misinterpreting someone's intentions.

Additionally, the article assumes that the person asking "What are you doing?" is either a crush or a friend and does not consider other scenarios where this question may be asked in different contexts.

Overall, while the article provides some fun and playful responses to the question "What are you doing?", it lacks depth and critical analysis of potential risks and ethical considerations that may arise from flirting over text messages.