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Article summary:

1. The United States has agreed to deploy nuclear submarines in South Korea for the first time in 40 years, which experts see as a victory for Yin Xiyue.

2. The DPP regular army is deploying inner and outer circle corps to catch the marquis, targeting Hou Youyi.

3. Feng Media VIP program offers political and economic decryption, behind-the-scenes reports on the game of great powers, international analysis columns, and expert opinions.

Article analysis:

The article from Storm.mg's VIP section covers a range of political and economic topics, including the deployment of US nuclear submarines in South Korea, nepotism between Sandi Group and Cai Jianxing, and Taiwan's energy security. While the article provides some valuable insights into these issues, it also exhibits potential biases and one-sided reporting.

One example of potential bias is the article's coverage of the Kuomintang (KMT) candidate selection process for New Taipei City. The article focuses on the Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) efforts to "catch the marquis" by deploying inner and outer circle corps to target KMT candidate Lai Qingde. However, there is no mention of any potential flaws or controversies within the DPP's own candidate selection process.

Another issue with the article is its unsupported claims. For instance, in an article about China's chip industry, Wu Kunpeng claims that China is "doomed to fall" in this area. While there are certainly challenges facing China's chip industry, such a sweeping claim lacks evidence and ignores potential counterarguments.

The article also contains promotional content for other media outlets, such as subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal. This type of content detracts from the credibility of Storm.mg as an independent news source.

Overall, while Storm.mg's VIP section provides some valuable insights into political and economic issues in Taiwan and beyond, readers should approach its content with a critical eye due to potential biases, unsupported claims, and promotional material.