1. The Spatial Presence Experience Scale (SPES) is a short, eight-item self-report measure that assesses spatial presence as a two-dimensional construct comprising a user's self-location and perceived possible actions in a media environment.
2. The SPES can be applied to diverse media settings and has sound psychometric qualities, according to two studies with 290 and 395 participants respectively.
3. Existing self-report measures of spatial presence include the Presence Questionnaire, the Igroup Presence Questionnaire, the Independent Television Commission - Sense of Presence Inventory, and stand-alone short measures such as those by Hendrix and Barfield and Kim and Biocca.
The article introduces the Spatial Presence Experience Scale (SPES), a short self-report measure for assessing spatial presence in diverse media settings. The SPES is derived from a process model of spatial presence and assesses spatial presence as a two-dimensional construct that comprises a user’s self-location and perceived possible actions in a media environment. Two studies are reported that confirm sound psychometric qualities for the SPES.
The article provides a comprehensive review of existing self-report measures of spatial presence, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. However, the article seems to have a bias towards promoting the SPES as an ideal measure of spatial presence, without acknowledging potential limitations or drawbacks. For example, while the article notes that existing scales may have narrow scopes or mixed findings regarding validity, it does not acknowledge any potential limitations or criticisms of the SPES.
Additionally, while the article presents evidence supporting the psychometric qualities of the SPES, it does not provide any information on potential risks or negative consequences associated with measuring spatial presence through self-report measures. This lack of consideration for potential risks or limitations may be seen as promotional content for the SPES.
Overall, while the article provides valuable insights into measuring spatial presence through self-report measures and introduces a promising new scale, it could benefit from acknowledging potential limitations and considering counterarguments or alternative perspectives.