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Article summary:

1. DelightChat used programmatic SEO to create 300 landing pages in a week, targeting long-tail keywords related to the phrase “best Shopify apps”.

2. Webflow was chosen as the platform for this project due to its consistent design and experience for visitors, and its powerful CMS API.

3. The project was structured using two collections, Apps and Best Shopify Apps, connected by a multi-reference field feature.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in terms of the information it provides about programmatic SEO and how DelightChat used it to create 300 landing pages in a week. The article is well-structured and provides detailed information on the process of creating these pages, including why Webflow was chosen as the platform for this project, how the two collections were structured using a multi-reference field feature, and how the Webflow CMS API was used to generate pages.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, while the article does mention other companies such as Tripadvisor, Thomas Cook, Nomad List that have also used programmatic SEO successfully, it focuses mainly on DelightChat's own experience with this technique. Additionally, while the article does provide some detail on why Webflow was chosen as the platform for this project (e.g., consistent design and experience for visitors), it does not explore any potential drawbacks or risks associated with using this platform (e.g., cost). Furthermore, while the article does provide an example code snippet from Webflow's API documentation page that could be used to generate pages quickly and easily, it does not explore any alternative methods or technologies that could be used instead of Webflow's API (e.g., Python).

In conclusion, while overall reliable and trustworthy in terms of providing information about programmatic SEO and how DelightChat used it to create 300 landing pages in a week, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering this article as a source of information on programmatic SEO techniques.