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Article summary:

1. Big data and AI technology have been widely used in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of COVID-19 as an important basic support.

2. The application of big data and AI technology can contribute to prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management decision making regarding sudden public health events in the future.

3. The Health QR Code system has played an irreplaceable role in normalized epidemic prevention and control, work resumption and economic recovery in China.

Article analysis:

The article “Application of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in COVID-19 Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Management Decisions in China - PMC” is a comprehensive review of the application of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management decisions related to COVID-19 pandemic in China. The article provides a detailed overview of how big data analysis is used for tracking epidemic progression, predicting epidemic tendencies in advance and providing early warnings; how AI is used for automatically processing relevant data from medical images and clinical features; predicting disease progression; recommending treatment plans; distinguishing close contacts; accelerating vaccine research; etc.

The article is generally reliable as it provides a comprehensive overview of the application of big data and AI technology for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control in China. It cites several studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of these technologies for various purposes such as tracking epidemic progression, predicting disease progression, recommending treatment plans etc., which adds credibility to its claims. Furthermore, it also mentions some challenges with respect to using these technologies such as lack of validation of repeatability or universality which shows that the authors are aware of potential limitations associated with their use.

However, there are some points that could be improved upon to make this article more trustworthy. For example, while it does mention some challenges associated with using these technologies such as lack of validation or repeatability or universality etc., it does not provide any further details on how these issues can be addressed or what measures can be taken to ensure accuracy or reliability when using these technologies for COVID-19 pandemic prevention or control purposes. Additionally, while it does mention some potential benefits associated with using these technologies such as accelerated vaccine research etc., it does not provide any information on possible risks associated with their use such as privacy concerns or ethical considerations which should have been discussed given that they are important factors to consider when dealing with sensitive topics like healthcare related decisions during a pand