1. TikTok has experienced a rapid rise in use since its release in 2016, and offers features already available on other social media platforms.
2. Through data collection and analysis, three distinct themes emerged: awareness of the algorithm, content without context, and self-creation across platforms.
3. TikTok departs from existing platforms in the model of self-making it engenders, which is termed “the algorithmized self”—a complication of the pre-existing “networked self” framework.
The article “Why’s Everyone on TikTok Now? The Algorithmized Self and the Future of Self-Making on Social Media” by Aparajita Bhandari and Sara Bimo is an interesting exploration into the phenomenon of TikTok's popularity and how it differs from other social media platforms. The authors provide a thorough overview of the platform's features and its impact on users' self-making processes. They also present their own research findings to support their claims about how TikTok differs from other social media platforms in terms of user experience.
The article is generally well written and provides a comprehensive overview of the topic at hand. However, there are some potential issues with trustworthiness that should be noted. Firstly, while the authors do provide evidence for their claims through their own research findings, they do not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives that may exist regarding this topic. Additionally, while they do mention potential risks associated with using TikTok (such as privacy concerns), they do not go into much detail about these risks or discuss possible solutions to mitigate them. Furthermore, while they acknowledge that algorithms are becoming increasingly prevalent across all social media platforms, they focus primarily on TikTok's algorithm without exploring how other platforms may be utilizing algorithms differently or to what extent algorithms are impacting user experience on those other platforms as well.
In conclusion, this article provides an interesting exploration into the phenomenon of TikTok's popularity and how it differs from other social media platforms in terms of user experience; however, there are some potential issues with trustworthiness that should be noted such as lack of counterarguments or alternative perspectives explored as well as lack of detail regarding potential risks associated with using TikTok or discussion about how algorithms are impacting user experience on other social media platforms.