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Article summary:

1. Statins are widely used to treat cardiovascular disease by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, the rate-limiting enzyme of cholesterol biosynthesis.

2. However, statin treatment can paradoxically increase reductase protein accumulation, which can attenuate the effect and increase side effects.

3. The discovery of a potent degrader called "Cmpd 81" that induces reductase degradation in an Insig-dependent manner can alleviate statin-induced reductase accumulation and lower cholesterol levels, making it a promising strategy for treating cardiovascular disease.

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其次,该文章并未探讨Cmpd 81对HMGCR以外的蛋白质是否具有影响。如果Cmpd 81会影响其他重要蛋白质的稳定性或功能,则可能会引起不良反应或副作用。

此外,该文章并未探讨Cmpd 81与其他药物的相互作用。如果Cmpd 81与其他药物相互作用,则可能会导致不良反应或降低治疗效果。

最后,该文章并未探讨潜在的风险和副作用。例如,Cmpd 81是否会影响肝脏、肾脏或其他器官的功能?是否会引起免疫反应或过敏反应?
