1. In-work poverty is increasing faster than poverty in workless households in the UK.
2. The Living Wage Foundation's voluntary living wage (VLW) has been successful in alleviating poverty for low-waged workers, but private sector employees are still at a higher risk of low pay.
3. The UK government's National Living Wage (NLW) may not be enough to combat in-work poverty, as it is associated with benefit freezes and cuts that could increase child poverty by 1.3 million by 2020/21.
The article "An Evaluation of the Living Wage: Identifying Pathways Out of In-Work Poverty" provides an overview of the impact of the Voluntary Living Wage (VLW) on poverty and deprivation alleviation. The article highlights that in-work poverty is increasing faster than poverty in workless households, and identifying effective and sustainable pathways out of in-work poverty for low-waged workers is crucial.
The article presents evidence from a research project that included surveys, benefits assessments, interviews with employers, and analysis of the implementation of the VLW by three partner employers. The research found that the VLW had a positive impact on employees' financial situation, self-esteem, and work-life balance. However, it also notes that implementing the VLW can be a significant cost pressure for employers facing competing wage demands throughout their workforce.
One potential bias in this article is its focus on the positive impact of the VLW without exploring potential drawbacks or counterarguments. For example, while the article notes that private sector employees have a higher risk of low pay than public or voluntary sector employees, it does not explore why this might be or whether there are any potential negative consequences to implementing a VLW across all sectors.
Additionally, while the article notes that paying a living wage can be good for business and society as a whole, it does not provide evidence to support this claim or explore any potential risks associated with implementing a VLW. For example, some critics argue that raising wages could lead to job losses or reduced hours for low-wage workers if employers cannot afford to pay higher wages.
Overall, while this article provides valuable insights into the impact of the VLW on poverty alleviation and employee well-being, it would benefit from exploring potential drawbacks and counterarguments more thoroughly to provide a more balanced perspective.