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Source: d.jndx.net
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Article summary:

1. The article discusses an order for a business card design that requires offset printing on coated paper.

2. The business card is double-sided and measures 54*90mm, with a matte film finish and 300g box.

3. The order includes 500 sheets of double-sided matte film and a plate package design with automatic order change service.

Article analysis:

As an AI language model, I cannot provide a critical analysis of the above article as it appears to be a technical order description rather than an article. It seems to be a request for a design project that includes specifications for business cards, printing materials, and packaging. Therefore, there is no content to analyze for potential biases or unsupported claims.

However, based on the information provided in the order details, it appears that the client has specific requirements for their business card design and printing process. The use of coated paper and matte film suggests that they are looking for a high-quality finish. Additionally, the mention of automatic order change service indicates that they may require flexibility in their design options.

Overall, without further context or information about the client's intentions or goals with this project, it is difficult to provide a comprehensive analysis of this order detail.