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Article summary:

1. A general solution for levitation control applicable to permanent magnet (PM) synchronous and induction type rotating motors is presented.

2. An internal permanent magnet (IPM) type bearingless motor is introduced which has the merits of strong levitation force and relatively easy control properties.

3. A simple experimental apparatus is made to confirm the properties of the proposed motor, with results discussed in detail.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed overview of a general solution for levitation control applicable to permanent magnet (PM) synchronous and induction type rotating motors, as well as an introduction to an internal permanent magnet (IPM) type bearingless motor which has the merits of strong levitation force and relatively easy control properties. The article also includes a simple experimental apparatus that was made to confirm the properties of the proposed motor, with results discussed in detail.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall, as it provides detailed information about the topic at hand, including a thorough explanation of the proposed solution and its advantages over other solutions. Additionally, it provides evidence for its claims through the use of an experimental apparatus that was used to test the proposed solution's effectiveness. Furthermore, there does not appear to be any bias or partiality in the article; all sides are presented equally and fairly. There are no unsupported claims or missing points of consideration; all relevant information is provided in order for readers to make their own informed decisions about the topic at hand.