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Article summary:

1. The author believes that the use of GPT will widen the digital divide, as those who can use it for business will gain more power than those who cannot.

2. While GPT is a revolutionary technology, it still requires human editing and judgment to ensure accuracy and prevent misleading information.

3. The article emphasizes the importance of continuing to study and store knowledge in the brain, as relying solely on AI could lead to loss of control over our lives.

Article analysis:

The article titled "ChatGPTで格差はさらに広がる" by Takeo Kurosaka discusses the potential impact of GPT on society and how it may widen the digital divide. While the author raises some valid concerns, there are several biases and unsupported claims in the article that need to be addressed.

Firstly, the author claims that the IT revolution did not narrow various disparities but instead widened them. However, this claim is not entirely accurate as access to technology has improved many aspects of life, including education, healthcare, and communication. While it is true that some people have gained more power than others due to their ability to use technology effectively, this does not mean that technology has only widened disparities.

Secondly, the author suggests that GPT will widen the gap between those who can use it for business and those who cannot. While this may be true to some extent, it is important to note that GPT is still a relatively new technology and its full potential has yet to be realized. It is possible that in the future, GPT may become more accessible and easier to use for everyone.

Thirdly, the author claims that AI chatbots still have room for improvement and cannot completely replace humans when it comes to editing content produced by GPT. While this may be true in some cases, there are already many examples of successful content produced entirely by GPT without any human intervention.

Fourthly, the author suggests that AI may produce misleading results intentionally or unintentionally due to incorrect data inputs. While this is a valid concern, it is important to note that AI systems are designed with built-in safeguards and checks to prevent such errors from occurring.

Overall, while the article raises some valid concerns about GPT's potential impact on society, it also contains several biases and unsupported claims. It would have been helpful if the author had provided more evidence or explored counterarguments before making such sweeping statements about GPT's impact on society. Additionally, while possible risks are noted in the article, both sides of the argument are not presented equally which could lead readers towards a one-sided view of GPT's impact on society.