1. Replugged is a lightweight Discord client mod focused on simplicity and performance.
2. It is against the Discord Terms of Service, but users are unlikely to be banned without warning.
3. Powercord plugins and themes cannot be used with Replugged, and BetterDiscord plugins are not currently supported.
The article titled "replugged-org/replugged: A lightweight Discord client mod focused on simplicity and performance" provides information about Replugged, a client mod for Discord that focuses on simplicity and performance. The article includes details about the installation process, frequently asked questions, and links to the developer guide and API documentation.
However, the article's potential biases are evident in its discussion of whether Replugged violates Discord's Terms of Service (ToS). While the article acknowledges that Replugged is against Discord's ToS, it downplays the potential risks associated with using a client mod. The article claims that users are unlikely to be banned without warning, but this assertion lacks evidence or support from Discord itself. Additionally, the article suggests that Replugged plugins are ethical and API-compliant, implying that they cannot violate Discord's ToS indirectly. However, this claim is also unsupported and may not reflect reality.
Furthermore, the article does not present both sides equally when discussing whether users can use BetterDiscord plugins with Replugged. While it notes that BDCompat was previously used to run BetterDiscord plugins but has not been rewritten for the Replugged rewrite, it does not explore why this decision was made or what potential risks may be associated with using BetterDiscord plugins with Replugged.
Overall, while the article provides useful information about Replugged and its features, it may be biased in its discussion of potential risks associated with using a client mod like Replugged. It also presents some claims without sufficient evidence or exploration of counterarguments.