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Fundamentals of Strafe
Source: bysam.github.io
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Article summary:

1. The art of strafing involves having a clear intention and purpose with every movement, being adaptable to changing variables in a fight, and mastering the fundamental technique of strafeaim.

2. Having a global bias in your movement can improve your dodging ability and allow for mid-fight relocation on the map, while being aware of geometry can give you an advantage in positioning and decision-making.

3. Control is key in a fight, probing for weaknesses and pushing advantages while protecting your own weaknesses, and creating situations where there is a clear right and wrong play.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of strafing in gaming. However, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration that should be noted.

One potential bias is the emphasis on the artful dodger approach to strafing, which relies heavily on concepts and theory rather than pure mechanical skill. While this approach may work well for some players, it may not be suitable for everyone and could potentially limit their ability to improve their mechanics.

Additionally, the article promotes the use of strafeaim as a core fundamental for maximizing damage dealt. While this may be true in certain situations, it is important to note that there are other factors to consider such as movement speed and positioning. The article also does not explore counterarguments or potential risks associated with relying too heavily on strafeaim.

Furthermore, while the article touches on the importance of geometry and control in strafing, it does not provide enough detail or examples to fully illustrate their significance. This could potentially leave readers without a clear understanding of how these factors can impact their gameplay.

Overall, while the article provides a good starting point for those looking to improve their strafing skills, it is important to approach its recommendations with a critical eye and consider other factors that may impact gameplay.