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Article summary:

1. Rolling textured high purity α-Ti exhibits significant yielding anisotropy, with the yield strength being largest in the normal direction (ND), followed by the transverse direction (TD) and rolling direction (RD).

2. The activation stress analysis of three important deformation modes (prismatic, basal, and pyramidal 〈a〉 slips) was conducted based on the Schmid factor and effective critical resolved shear stress. The specific crystallographic orientation of the material caused by rolling texture influences the activity of each deformation mode, which significantly varies with the loading direction.

3. Understanding yielding anisotropy related to crystallographic texture is crucial for material design, especially for hexagonal close packed (HCP) structure metals like α-Ti, where limited slip systems with a large difference in their critical resolved shear stress exist. Identifying a deformation mode that governs material yielding and how it changes with loading direction is essential for understanding anisotropic yielding behavior of polycrystalline α-Ti.

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