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Article summary:

1. The shield method is the most widely used construction method for urban subway tunnels due to its complexity of geological conditions.

2. Research on rock breaking mechanism plays an important role in the analysis of the cutter load of shield machines.

3. This study investigates the rock breaking mechanism of shield hobs through theoretical analysis, laboratory test and numerical simulation to improve the efficiency of shield excavation.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the mechanical behavior and rock breaking mechanism of shield hobs based on Particle Flow Code (PFC) Method. The article is well-structured and provides a detailed description of the research process, including theoretical analysis, laboratory tests and numerical simulations. The authors have provided sufficient evidence to support their claims, such as citing relevant studies conducted by other researchers in this field. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted in this article. For example, it does not provide any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the topic, which could lead to one-sided reporting or partiality in favour of certain points made by the authors. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with using this method for shield tunnelling construction in ultrahigh hard rock sections, which could be a potential issue if not addressed properly. Furthermore, there is no discussion about how reliable or accurate these results are compared to other methods used for similar purposes. In conclusion, while this article provides a comprehensive overview of the mechanical behavior and rock breaking mechanism of shield hobs based on PFC Method, it should be read with caution due to potential biases and missing points of consideration mentioned above.