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Article summary:

1. Probiotics and synbiotics can lead to significant weight reductions in overweight and obese populations.

2. Specific strains belonging to the genus Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium were the most used and showed the best results in reducing body weight.

3. The intake of probiotics or synbiotics can be effective in weight loss, either maintaining habitual lifestyle habits or in combination with energy restriction and/or increased physical activity for an average of 12 weeks.

Article analysis:

该文章是一篇系统性综述,旨在评估益生菌和合生元对超重或肥胖人群体重减轻的影响。文章通过检索PubMed、Web of Science和Scopus等数据库,筛选出27篇符合条件的随机临床试验,并发现其中23篇观察到了益生菌和合生元对体重减轻的积极效果。该文章认为摄入益生菌或合生元可以导致显著的体重减轻,无论是保持习惯的生活方式还是与能量限制和/或增加身体活动相结合,平均持续12周。Lactobacillus属和Bifidobacterium属中特定菌株被广泛使用,并显示出在减少体重方面最好的结果。总之,该文章认为益生菌和合生元有助于超重和肥胖人群减轻体重。


