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Article summary:

1. The consumption of commercial milk formula (CMF) by infants and young children has been normalised, with only 48% of the world's infants and young children being breastfed as recommended.

2. CMF companies exert undue control on the infant and young child feeding discourse, and the value of CMF sales have increased year on year.

3. The 2023 Lancet breastfeeding Series provides evidence of the overwhelming influence of CMF marketing in the promotion of CMF as a positive choice and the solution to every feeding challenge, thereby eroding breastfeeding practices.

Article analysis:

The article is written from a scientific perspective, citing multiple sources from The Lancet series which provide evidence for its claims. It is well-researched and provides an in-depth analysis of the issue at hand. However, it does not present both sides equally; while it acknowledges that there are benefits to using commercial milk formula, it does not explore these benefits in any detail or provide counterarguments to its own claims. Additionally, it does not mention any potential risks associated with using commercial milk formula or discuss any possible alternatives to breastfeeding that could be beneficial for infants and young children. Furthermore, while it mentions that 144 (74%) out of 194 WHO member states have adopted legal measures to implement the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, it does not provide any details about what these measures are or how effective they have been in curbing CMF marketing practices. Finally, while the article is well-researched and provides an in-depth analysis of the issue at hand, it does not address any potential biases or unsupported claims made by its sources or other stakeholders involved in this debate.