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Article summary:

1. Exponential random graph models (ERGMs) allow global network structure to be understood by considering local processes, and assign probabilities to networks based on local network configurations.

2. ERGM specifications for bipartite networks have been developed based on dependence assumptions between network tie variables, and MCMC maximum likelihood estimation methods provide reliable model estimates.

3. The article proposes a hierarchy of dependence structures for ERGMs for bipartite networks, based on graph theoretical properties, which can guide the exploration and development of more elaborate model specifications. The proposed hierarchy includes bipartite graph statistics involving more than four nodes and introduces a systematically elaborated set of model specifications that extend existing models.

Article analysis:


1. 偏重理论探讨而忽略实证研究


2. 缺乏对其他方法的比较


3. 忽略数据质量


4. 缺乏对风险和局限性的讨论


5. 语言表述不够清晰

