1. The present study analyzed the effect of increased distance on basketball jump shot outcome and performance.
2. Shot accuracy decreased from 59% (close) to 37% (far), in function of the task constraints.
3. Changes in ball release height, angle and velocity, related to movement performance adaptations were suggested as the main factors that influence jump shot accuracy when distance is augmented.
The article titled "Increased Distance of Shooting on Basketball Jump Shot" provides an analysis of the effect of increased distance on basketball jump shot outcome and performance. The study was conducted on ten male expert basketball players who were filmed while performing jump shots from three conditions representing close, intermediate, and far distances.
The article presents several key findings related to the effect of distance on jump shot accuracy. The study found that shot accuracy decreased as the shooting distance increased, with a decrease from 59% (close) to 37% (far). The article suggests that changes in ball release height, angle, and velocity are the main factors that influence jump shot accuracy when distance is augmented. Specifically, ball release height decreased from 2.46 m (close) to 2.33m (long), release angle also decreased when shot was performed from close in comparison to intermediate distances, and ball release velocity increased as distance increased.
While the article provides valuable insights into the effect of distance on basketball jump shot performance, there are some potential biases and limitations that should be considered. Firstly, the sample size is relatively small with only ten participants included in the study. This limits the generalizability of the findings to a larger population of basketball players.
Additionally, while the article suggests that changes in ball release height, angle, and velocity are the main factors influencing jump shot accuracy when distance is augmented, it does not explore other potential factors such as player fatigue or psychological factors like anxiety or stress.
Furthermore, there is no discussion about possible risks associated with increasing shooting distance for players such as injury risk or overexertion. Additionally, there is no exploration of counterarguments or alternative explanations for why accuracy decreases with increasing shooting distance.
Overall, while this article provides valuable insights into how shooting distance affects basketball jump shot performance, it is important to consider its limitations and potential biases before drawing any definitive conclusions.