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Article summary:

1. India's textiles exports are showing signs of growth after being impacted by foreign exchange issues and large inventories due to the Russia-Ukraine war.

2. Cotton and yarn exports are expected to reignite from April 1st, according to Union minister Piyush Goyal.

3. Textiles exports from Bangladesh receive customs duty concessions in developed markets, and India is following the path of free trade agreements to boost its own textiles industry.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Figures suggesting that textiles exports are up again: Goyal" reports on the growth of India's textile exports after facing challenges such as foreign exchange issues and large inventories due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. While the article provides some insights into the reasons behind the dip in textiles exports, it also has several potential biases and missing points of consideration.

One-sided reporting is evident in the article as it only presents the views of Union Minister Piyush Goyal without exploring counterarguments or alternative perspectives. For instance, while Goyal attributes the dip in cotton and yarn exports to international problems, he does not elaborate on what these problems are or how they have affected India's textile industry. The article also lacks evidence to support claims made by Goyal, such as his statement that textiles exports have started showing signs of growth.

Another potential bias in the article is its promotional content. The author highlights India's efforts to follow Bangladesh's path of free trade agreements to get duty concessions for its textiles industry. While this may be a positive development for India's textile sector, it is presented without any critical analysis or discussion of possible risks.

The article also misses some crucial points of consideration, such as the impact of COVID-19 on global demand for textiles and how it has affected India's export performance. Additionally, there is no mention of environmental concerns related to textile production and their potential impact on exports.

In conclusion, while the article provides some insights into India's textile industry and its export performance, it suffers from one-sided reporting, unsupported claims, missing evidence for claims made, unexplored counterarguments, promotional content, partiality, and missing points of consideration. A more balanced and critical analysis would have provided a better understanding of India's textile industry and its prospects for growth in the future.