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Article summary:

1. A computational pipeline was developed to identify viroid-like cccRNAs and applied to 5,131 metatranscriptomes and 1,344 plant transcriptomes, yielding 11,378 viroid-like cccRNAs spanning 4,409 species-level clusters.

2. The search revealed numerous putative viroids, satellite RNAs, retrozymes, and ribozy-like viruses with diverse ribozyme combinations and unusual ribozymes within the cccRNAs.

3. The broad presence of viroid-like cccRNAs in diverse transcriptomes and ecosystems implies that their host range is far broader than currently known.

Article analysis:

The article “Mining metatranscriptomes reveals a vast world of viroid-like circular RNAs” is an informative piece of research that provides insight into the diversity of viroid-like circular RNAs (cccRNAs). The authors have conducted a thorough analysis of 5,131 metatranscriptomes and 1,344 plant transcriptomes using a computational pipeline to identify 11,378 viroid-like cccRNAs spanning 4,409 species-level clusters. This is a significant increase compared to the previously identified viroid-like elements.

The article is well written and provides detailed information about the various types of cccRNA agents discovered during the study such as viroids, satellite RNAs, retrozymes and ribozyviruses. It also discusses the different replication mechanisms used by these agents such as rolling circle replication (RCR), RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) and DNA dependent RNA polymerase II (DNA Pol II). Furthermore, it mentions the presence of self-cleaving ribozymes in some mito-like viruses as well as capsid encoding satellite virus like cccRNAs which suggests that their host range may be much broader than previously thought.

The article does not appear to be biased or one sided in its reporting as it presents both sides equally without any promotional content or partiality. It also mentions possible risks associated with these agents such as their ability to cause economically important diseases in agricultural plants which could potentially lead to losses for farmers if not managed properly.

In conclusion, this article appears to be reliable and trustworthy due to its comprehensive coverage of the topic at hand as well as its balanced approach towards presenting both sides equally without any bias or promotional content.