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Article summary:

1. InAs/GaAs submonolayer (SML) stacks have been successfully used as active media in various optoelectronic devices, including high-density quantum-dot (QD) based lasers.

2. The addition of Sb incorporation into the SML growth cycle leads to QD-like emission in photoluminescence measurements, increasing the heterodimensionality and enabling high-speed operation.

3. Static and dynamic characteristics of edge-emitting lasers with In(AsSb)/GaAs SML stacks as active medium have been investigated, comparing active regions prepared with different degrees of localization of electrons and holes but with emission peaks around the same wavelength of 980 nm.

Article analysis:

作为一篇科技论文,该文章并没有明显的偏见或宣传内容。然而,它可能存在一些片面报道和缺失的考虑点。例如,文章只关注了In(AsSb)/GaAs SML堆叠在激光器中的应用,并未探讨其他材料或结构的优缺点。此外,文章也没有提及可能存在的风险或限制条件。

